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Things to Know about Lung Transplants

The lung is one of the most important parts of a body as it performs so many important functions like a gaseous exchange, blood exchange and all types of metabolic activities.

People who are affected by a lung-related disease like infection, pulmonary disease, chronic disease and these types of diseases can’t be treated by normal treatment procedures, for these, you have to do lung transplantation also known as pulmonary transplantation and remove the infected lung from your body! In this surgical process, your infected lung is replaced by a healthy lung taken from the deceased donor!

It is a very sensitive operation and if you want to get it done in a right and safest way you have to go for the best lung transplant surgeon in India!

What is the need for lung transplantation?

The disease caused by the lung infection can’t be cured by medicines for that you have to replace your infected lung with the healthy one!

Lung transplant surgery is a complicated one but if you want to live a healthy life you have to take the transplantation process to increase longevity!

One of the major fear that is occurred during this infection is the threat of many more new diseases like Cystic fibrosis, Sarcoidosis, Pulmonary Hypertension and many more, so do it as soon as possible!

Lung Transplantation Criteria

Not everyone is able or fit for the lung transplantation procedure, for that there is a set criterion under which lung transplant in India takes place!

The patient should be 60 years of age or less than that if both the lungs are to transplant and for a single, age must be limit to 65 years or less!

Lung transplant is a long process and it takes 6 to 8 hours if a single lung is to be transplant and 10 to 13 hours if it is bilateral! So for that surgeons make sure that the deceased donor lung is to be preserved properly.

The procedure of Lung Transplant

It is a long time taking process so you have to take a look at the procedures of lung transplant which can be beneficial for you somehow!

The first thing before the surgery the patient has to do is taking an antimicrobial shower and make sure that they do not eat or drink anything for 9 hours before the surgery!

After that, the anesthesia is injected in your body to make sure that you don’t feel any pain and a pipe is inserted in your mouth so that you breathe properly!

As soon as anesthesia starts working the surgeon makes a cut in your chest and takes out the infected lung and replaces it with a healthy one.

But in a bilateral transplantation process, the surgeons connect you with a machine called a heart-lung machine as it is more complex and time taking process, this machine is worked for you as your lungs do!

After Transplant Procedure

The after-treatment procedure is more complicated and precarious rather than the transplantation process!

Just after the surgery, they shifted you in the ICU because you need intensive care, frequent nursing, and proper care after this transplantation!

The doctor visits you frequently to evaluate the progress of the new lung in your body, check whether the body accepts the new lung or not! To make this more possible some physical exercise, and other therapies are carried out!

After you got discharge from hospital you have visited the hospital so frequently for almost 1 year as the time after the surgery is so crucial for your body and for your early recovery some specialists monitor your growth and if they found any complication they detect it very early! Also, you have to take precautions and follow the prior instructions given by the surgeons.

The moment you are done with your lung transplant you have to take care of some of the things and make prior adjustments according to that:

You have to do regular exercise, eat healthy food only, stay away from tobacco products and alcohol.

The one thing you have to take is immunosuppressants to strengthen your immune system and prevent the rejection of the donor’s lungs!

Regular exercise is the best way to make your new lung healthy, your surgeon also recommends you start it after a few days of surgery.


So these are some of the things that you have to know about lung transplantation and also you have to know that the first year after the surgery is very crucial, you have taken some complications to live a healthy life!


But the main thing you have to keep in mind before the transplant that, check the donor’s background properly, do a proper check-up of the donor before the surgery. These small things make a life threat for your body if you are not checking up on them! But to make your work easy there is some Healthcare tourism in India that can arrange you a genuine donor.